Classifieds Item Placements
We frequently encounter questions on what we look for when moderating ads and question why we may have changed or moved an ad into various categories. We work very hard to be fair and consistent as we moderate thousands of ads each day. Often customers wonder what it is exactly we are looking for or why a change was made. This article contains a few of the common questions that have come up as well as a table of items and categories in which they will be allowed.
- 'Misc' should be for items that don’t really fit into a specific category well. If an item has a specific category we do not allow it also in misc. Examples:
- Dress should be in 'Clothing/Woman’s'.
- Drum set should be in 'Musical Equipment'.
- Stove or refrigerator would belong in 'Household Goods/Appliances' .
- If the items fits in any other category it is NOT a 'Misc'.
- Items that have specific sub categories will be moved into those areas. It is also important to remember that all subcategory listing show up in the main category list. So if your Ford Mustang is placed in the 'Vehicle/Car' subcategory list, it will show up in the 'Vehicle/Car' list of ads as well as the main 'Vehicle' category. Examples:
- A car placed in 'Vehicles' will be moved into 'Vehicles/Cars'.
- A dresser placed in household goods will be moved to 'Household Goods/Furniture'.
- A black Lab listed in 'Pets' should be in 'Pets/Dogs'.
- Normal Street Pick-Up belongs in 'Vehicle/Trucks,SUVs'.
- Drill belongs in 'Tools & Building Materials/Power Tools' and not in 'Farm Equipment'.
3. 'Community Events' vs. 'Public Announcement' vs. 'Travel & Entertainment'
- 'Community Event': Think of as an activity within any given community (profit or nonprofit) Example: Dance, Fair activities, sporting events, or fund raisers.
- 'Public Announcement': A service for the community, or for a group of people. Examples: Blood Drive, Adoption Agency, or Health Clinic.
- 'Travel & Entertainment': Tickets or events selling second hand. Examples: Chief game, Country Stamped, or vacation to Mexico (Things that would NOT fit, DVDs, stereo or TVs).
4. 'Help Wanted' vs. 'Specialized Services'
- 'Help Wanted' is when an ad is looking to hire or employee someone.
- 'Specialized Services' is looking to be hired or to offer a service.
5. 'Garage Sales' vs. 'Household Goods' or other areas.
Garages Sales is to actually advertise a Garage Sale that will be taking place. NOT for listing random items you might see at a Garage Sale. Examples:
- Garage Sale, 210 E 12th Street 7/20/12 - would go in 'Garage Sale'. They can list items in the ad that will be present, but in general are advertising the Garage Sale.
- Baby Clothes listed for sale, would NOT go in 'Garage Sale' but would in 'Baby & Children/Infant or Clothes'.
- Microwave, would belong in 'Household Goods/Appliances'.
Below is a table concerning common items of concern. We will continue to update this table as items are identified.
Item | Categories Allowed | Comments/Notes |
Horses | Livestock/Horses | Horses have a specific and clear category. They are not allowed in 'Pets'. |
Hay | Farm Equipment & Supplies/Supplies Livestock |
We recognize that hay is feed/bedding for animals and that it would also be considered a supply for a farm setting. |
Pick Up | Vehicles/Trucks & SUVs | Pickups, considered a truck, have a clear category. We have received request to allow them in 'Farm Supplies'. After deliberation we have decided that if an individual was shopping for a truck they would go to the truck category even if it was intended for farm use. |
Daycare Opening | Specialized Services Baby & Children Items |
This could be seen as a service as well as an ad of use for Baby & Children. It is, however, not a help wanted ad. If a daycare was hiring additional help in the business then it would be a 'Help Wanted' ad. |
BBQ Grill | Lawn & Garden Supplies Household Goods |
Currently, we do not have a specific category for a barbecue grill. We feel that it can cross into a few different categories. Keep in mind, a maximum of two categories are allowed when placing an ad for an item. |
Antique Car | Vehicles/Cars Antiques |
This is an unusual situation where a vehicle could be in an extra category from 'Vehicles'. If a vehicle is antique it can also be included in the 'Antiques' category. |
Harley Motorcycle | ATV's, Motorcycles, Etc./Street Motorcycles | Motorcycles have a specific and clear category. They are not allowed in 'Vehicles'. |
Political Campaign | Public Announcement | Individuals running for public office are allowed to place an ad in 'Public Announcements' as long as it is does not mention negative content or information concerning their opponents or other individuals. |
Hunting Dog | Pets/Dogs |
All Dogs and Cats will be placed in the 'Pets' applicable category. This stands regardless of trained hunting dog, or bred as a hunting dog it would be allowed in 'Pets/Dogs'. |
Vehicle for Parts | Vehicle/Parts | If the vehicle is no longer in working condition then it will only be allowed in the subcategory of 'Parts.' |
Helmet | ATV's, Motorcycles, Etc/Accessories & Parts Sporting Goods, Livestock Clothing/Accessories |
Helmets maybe placed in the main category for the applicable use of the helmet. 'Sporting Goods' is a possibility for all helmets. |
Leather Riding Jacket or Riding Gear | ATV's, Motorcycles, Etc. Sporting Goods |
Items used as gear or safety gear for ATV's and motorcycles, such as leather coats, pants or specific biking boots can be placed into the 'ATV's Motorcycles, Etc.' |
Cowgirl/boy Show Shirts/Uniforms |
Livestock Clothing/Subcategory |
Show shirts/clothing used for livestock competitions can be placed in the main category of 'Livestock' as well as in correct gender subcategory of 'Clothing' |
Wanted To Buy | Wanted To Buy/ And another Applicable Category | Listing an ad for "Wanting to Buy' and item. They should be listed in "Wanted to Buy" category and can also be placed in an applicable category. Example: I want to buy a camper, that ad could be placed in "Wanted to Buy" as well as in 'Campers & Boats/Campers'. |
Band or DJ advertising bookings | Specialized Services Travel Entertainment |
Bands and DJs are NOT a Musical Instrument, they are advertising to provide a service. That in mind would be placed in 'Specialized Services' &/or could also be in 'Travel Entertainment'. |
Halloween Costumes | Seasonal | To try to keep normal or daily clothing categories clean, please keep Costumes in 'Seasonal' and away from Clothing, Entertainment, and/or Misc |
Trucks | Vehicle/Trucks,SUVs | Pickup trucks or non specialty vehicles should only be in 'Vehicle/Trucks,SUVs' and NOT in 'Farm Equipment' |
Trailers | Trailers of all kinds should be placed in the 'Trailers' category. Trailers should NOT be in 'Vehicles' and extremely rarely should ever be in 'Farm Equipment'. |
Original Art Work | Art | This category ONLY for Original fine art. It is NOT for any random picture or decorations that go on the wall or knick-knack (those are decorations). |
Drills & Power Tools | Tools & Building Materials/Power Tools |
Drill belongs in 'Tools & Building Materials/Power Tools' and not in 'Farm Equipment'. Yes, they can be used on a Farm but in essence they are a tool.
Land | Real Estate |
location for land for building a home, or farm ground for sale. Should not include farms with homes on them or structures. Also not for 'wanted to hunt', but could be used for renting out land or wanting to rent. |