SecureIT - Installation
Installing SecureIT
Select the product you would like to install. For SecureIT for your PC, you'll need to select SecureIT Plus. ***THIS SERVICE IS NOT AVAILABLE ON APPLE LAPTOP OR DESKTOP OPERATING SYSTEMS***

You'll now was to select "Download" in the options that drop down.

After you click download, the file will show up in your download tray. If you are using Firefox, you'll see a down pointing arrow in the upper right hand corner of your screen, it will be either green or blue. Click here to see the file.

Regardless of the browser you are using, You will be prompted to Save/Run the file we just downloaded. You'll want to click "Run"

Once the file starts, the SecureIT installer will load. From this screen, click the green Next.

Next you'll be prompted to accept the License Agreement. You'll need to make sure "I accept the agreement" button in the bottom left is checked. Once it is, click the green Next

Now we will be given two options. Activation Code, and Existing user. Click on Existing User.

You will now be prompted to enter your email. You will want to enter the email address you used to create your account earlier in the Account Activation stage.

You will now be prompted to enter your password. This is the same password we created earlier. If you have forgotten your password. Click the Forgot Password link to reset your password. Once you have entered your password, click the green Next.

Next we need to set a name for the device we are installing the software on. This will be the label you will see for your device in the online portal. Be sure to use something descriptive like, Joe's Desktop, Livingroom PC, or Kitchen. Once you've selected a name, press the green Next button.

Select "Manual Install"

The program will take several minutes to install. As long as there is progress in the bar, it's still working.

Once the program completes install, you will need to reboot your computer. Click the grey "Close" button and reboot your PC if it does not do it automatically.

After rebooting, the control panel screen should load. If it does not, look for the SecureIT Icon on your desktop. It is a red square with a white + in the middle.
If the "Protection" square is not green, there are a few more things that need done. Click the red "Resolve Now" button. If the "Protection" square is green. You are done with the installation, you will still need to update the software. See the update section below.

After clicking Resolve Now, this window should pop up. Make sure Network Profile is set to Home/Office, and click Save.

The Protection icon should now be green. The software is done installing, and is ready to use. Its recommended to check for updates at this point, to make sure you have the most up to date virus, malware, and security definitions.

- Installing SecureIT is a simple process thanks to their install wizard.
- After receiving the SecureIT email, there will be a link contained within the email that will start the install wizard.
- SecureIT will now download and begin to install itself on your computer.
- The first window to pop up will ask the customer if they would like to have SecureIT walk them through the install process for a fee, if they do, they should choose Supported Remote Installation . If they choose to have SecureIT walk them through the install, at this point we will have them click on this link and our job is done. We will NOT charge the customer if they choose this method. The other method to choose from where we will come into play is Manual Instal lation. Have the customer choose this option.
- Next is a registration window, please fill out all of the following information and check the box stating you have read and agree to the SecureIT License Agreement. Then click Next.
- SecureIT will now check to make sure your computer is clean of any malicious software, it will check to make sure you have the proper hardware requirements met to install this software and also to make sure you do not have any other anti-virus software that might conflict with SecureIT.
- After the initial check finishes, the install process will begin, this proces will take some time depending upon the computer it's being installed on.
- When the install has completed sucessfully, please have the customer click on Management Console . This will allow you and also the customer to view to make sure the program is completely up to date and all its components are working correctly.
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Installing SIT Basic on Multiple Computers
If a customer would like to install their SIT Basic on a second or third computer, they can go to to download SecureIT Base. From here, the customer can run the program and they will be prompted to either enter their activation code or click on a button that says Existing User. They can click on Existing User and enter their email address that was used when creating their SIT account to have another install link sent to them.
However, if the customer has already installed their SIT Basic on 3 computers and got a new computer, would like to install on another pc, etc. then the customer must call SIT at 877-373-3320 . The support line is 24x7 and they will NOT be billed for it even though they are a Basic customer. They WILL be charged though if they choose to have SIT assist them with installing the program instead of manually doing it themselves.
Installing Other SIT Products on Other Computers
If a customer has a SIT product other than SIT Basic (such as SIT Plus, FileHopper, etc.) and would like to remove it from the PC previously installed on and install on another PC, then they can download the SIT Base from . Once downloaded, run the program. The customer can then go to Existing Users and enter their email address that was used when creating their SIT account . They should then be given the option to Remove Installation and then Email the install link to them again to be able to reinstall the product.